Wonderful Adoption Story
Posted 9 years ago on · Permalink
We recently received a wonderful note from a fellow animal lover – Marie-Therese Gummer that we wanted to share with you. Marie-Therese wants to donate to the New Animal Shelter but also wanted to tell us the reason behind her donation. Get your Kleenex out!
In 2008 Marie-Therese adopted Spartikus – a rescue feral cat who had lost an eye in a fight (as well as a toe and several teeth) – from a vet in Whitby. When she opened her publication company the following year, she decided to name it One Eye after Sparty. She subsequently opened her music school in Port Perry and also operates it under One Eye Publications. In May 2014 Sparty fell very ill and she had to make the tough decision to end his suffering.
Needless to say it was a very rough decision and she knew she wanted to adopt another cat who needed a good home and love. The next day she went to the Scugog Animal Control to “just look”. She walked in and right away noticed a one-eyed cat with the same colouring and same eye missing as her Sparty. He was the exact same age (7) as Sparty had been when he passed. She knew right away she’d found her new fur baby.
She went to the shelter everyday to visit with “Griffin” (the shelter’s name) and decided his new name would be Maximus – another warrior name for her new one-eyed cat. Maximus went home on a Friday afternoon and she instantly fell in love with him. His middle name is Angelo, Latin for Angel as she truly feels he was sent from heaven by Sparty for her. She was able to keep her One Eye Publications one-eyed mascot going and Max has fit in so perfectly at her home. He is now about 16lbs of solid muscle and fluff, loves to go for walks (and jogs!) on his leash down our street on the island and he especially loves just sitting outside with Marie-Therese on his patio chair during the hot summer days.
She says “the shelter in town will always have a special place in my heart because of this random story – after Sparty passed I never thought I’d find another one-eyed cat…especially one with the exact same eye missing, same age and same colouring Sparty had!”
Thanks for sharing your story with us Marie-Therese! And thanks for supporting the New Animal Shelter.
The first two pics are of Max, and the third is Sparty.