NASUS 2020 Annual General Meeting (January 2021)
Posted 4 years ago on · Permalink
Due to COVID-19 we held a virtual Annual General Meeting for the New Animal Shelter for Uxbridge-Scugog.
At this time we would ask anyone wishing to nominate a new Board member for the 2021 term to kindly reach out to NASUS President Tara Rosen via email ( before the 15th of March 2021.
Barring any new appointees the Directors and Executive will all be re-elected in their existing roles. If additional nominees are put forth within that time period an electronic meeting of the Board will be held to discuss the nomination(s). Otherwise, the 2021 Executive and Board is expected to comprised of: President Tara Rosen, Vice-President Amy Stevenson, Treasurer Melinda Diebel, Secretary Susan Long, and Directors at large Paul Bussiere and Buck Sully.
Please see the minutes of this meeting here:
Our latest filed Registered Charity Information can be found here: Under “Quick View”.