POSTPONED: Ground-breaking & Appreciation Event

Posted 7 years ago on · Permalink

On Tuesday night, at the request of the Townships of Uxbridge and Scugog, the New Animal Shelter for Uxbridge-Scugog (“NASUS”) Executive Team met to discuss the status of the New Animal Shelter Project. At that time, we were advised that the Townships had been approached by the awarded IPD provider to discuss significant items yet to be negotiated.

Due to this delay, we will be postponing the ground-breaking and appreciation BBQ planned for this Saturday.

While NASUS and the Townships are very disappointed with this delay, we are encouraged by the Townships’ continuing commitment to getting the shovel in the ground.

Likewise, our Board of Directors is 100% determined to see this shelter built.

Thank you to our hundreds of volunteers, dozens of sponsors and other community partners for all your support and understanding as we navigate this complicated process.

As soon as we receive more information, we will keep you updated.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Your NASUS Board of Directors

Uxbridge press release:
Scugog press release: